Problem 1
If an agent is risk-averse, then
If is concave, then
Problem 2
And we know
And we know
Combined and we can get
Plug into we can get
So the Arrow-Pratt approximation is exact.
Problem 3
It is equivalent to prove that not (b) implies not (a).
not (b) is
First, We want to show that
According to Jensen’s inequality
And we know
Let , i.e. the risk is . And we know , so
Substituting (3.1) into (3.2), we obtain
(a) implies that for any risk. so (3.3) implies not (a)
So we have proved that
which is equivalent to
Given , we have
And is utility function, so is increasing, which implies for any risk. So agent is more risk-averse than agent .
and are equivalent
is increasing, i.e. .
and . So for all .
for all means . and are utility function, so should be increasing function, i.e. . So we have i.e. Function v is a concave transformation of function u.
Problem 4
Same decisions
for all , for some pair of scalars and , where >0.
This deduction also holds for equality.
So a decision-maker with utility function makes the same decisions as a decision maker with utility function
Same certainty-equivalents
So a decision-maker with utility function has the same certainty-equivalents as a decision maker with utility function